Logan Road Ribbon Park


Stretching between Jurgens Street and Balaclava Street, the Logan Road Ribbon Park creates up to eight metres wide of continuous open green space by realigning the road and incorporating parallel parking and bicycle lanes. At each end are existing open spaces that can form culminations of the ribbon park, especially at Jurgens Street where cafés can open to an amphitheatre space and green common. The ribbon park is conceived as a series of linked green spaces, some for active sports like table tennis, a playground, and some for relaxation under trees or canopies. The canopy shown is intended to recur and reinforce the ribbon nature of the park, reflecting its greenery. The linear green spine also provides opportunity for a narrative of public art embodying First Nations People’s relationship to the land. With widened pavements at both sides of the road, developers would be encouraged to extend the café precinct at the top of Logan Road southwards, with space for outdoor dining and garden edges.

As seen in Brisbane 2032 Olympics: 40 big ideas to make our Games the greatest, The Courier Mail, July 22, 2022